19 rujna 2011

Ljeto 2011. / Summer 2011

I ovo ljeto je izgleda službeno završilo...Navodno da je prošli vikend bio zadnji vrući vikend ove godine.
Ovo ljeto sam puno vremena provela na moru. Doduše, sve je započelo boravkom u Splitu na Konferenciji, još u travnju.
Nakon toga sam otišla na ljetovanje s vrtićkom djecom o kojem ste čitali ovdje i ovdje.
This summer officially ended... Apparently, last weekend was last hot weekend of this year. 
This summer I spent a lot of time at sea. However, it all started in Split at the Conference in April. 
Then I went on holidays with kindergarten children, you can read here and here about it.

Nakon vrtićkih obaveza na moru, otišla sam u Mali Lošinj. Evo nekoliko sličica s Lošinja, stare postove o tome pročitajte ovdje i ovdje.
I also went in Mali Lošinj. Here are some photos that I shot on Lošinj. The old posts about my vacations on Lošinj island, read here and here

U Crikvenicu sam otišla i privatno, bez vrtićke djece, a svratila sam i do Opatije. U Zagrebu sam se opuštala uz koktele...
~I went privately in Crikvenica too, without the kindergarten children, and I went up to Opatija. In Zagreb, I relaxed with cocktails... 

Ljetnu sezonu sam ovaj vikend završila u Puli i Medulinu:
~I ended up summer season this weekend in Medulin and Pula: 
(najviše me iznenadila i oduševila skulptura Jamesa Joycea na terasi jednog pulskog kafića u koji je volio svratiti)
(I was most surprised and delighted with the sculpture of James Joyce in Pula on the terrace of a cafe in which he liked to stop by)

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